
When most people think of sushi, the first thing they think of is raw fish. However, sushi actually gets its name from the seasoned rice that accompanies the fish. So many types of sushi are made with cooked ingredients, like barbecued eel (unagi) or Japanese omelets (tamagoyak).
Nigiri : The most popular form of sushi, where various ingredients are placed on top of a bite-sized base of sushi rice.
Sashimi, on the other hand, is always made with fresh, raw meat and fish, elegantly sliced and served with a variety of colorful garnishes.
Maki-zushi or Norimaki : Rolled sushi. Made by rolling fish, vegetables and rice into a sheet of dried nori, using a bamboo mat, then cutting it into bite-sized pieces.
Te-maki : “Hand roll” style sushi. Made by rolling rice and other ingredients with nori to form a cone shape that’s easy to pick up and eat with your hands.
Teppanyaki means, quite literally, broiled on a steel grill, which is the definition of teppanyaki-style cooking in its most simple form. However exactly when teppanyaki-style first came into use is a bit more complicated.
Some believe the tradition began over 200 years ago when families would prepare food together on small grills. Others believe it began in the early 1900’s with chefs introducing the style, along with their intricate knife skills, to diners.
Today, teppanyaki chefs are performers as well as skilled cooks, delighting diners daily with mouthwatering flavors and jaw-dropping knife skills.

Try one of our house mixed drinks like the Singapore Sling or Blue Martini. We also have Japanese tea, iced tea, coffee, sodas, and fruit juice. And of course we have hot sake as well as several other, high quality, sake served cold in our unique iced decanturs
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Yuki (Yoo-ki), which means snow in Japanese, it is a restaurant where you can enjoy not only great taste, good service but also our fabulous Hibachi show. We prepare our food with only the best. All house sauces are made from scratch with fresh and the finest ingredients.